Our Work:
The Studebaker National Foundation is fulfilling its mission of preserving the past and supporting the future in a number of tangible ways, including scholarships.
The SNF has awarded over $20,000 in scholarships for auto restoration trade and technical schools.
CLICK HERE to Apply for a SNF Scholarship.
CLICK HERE to Contribute & Donate. Please use comment, or note if you would like to designate donation towards a specific Scholarship.
Read About the
BOB PALMA Scholarship ->
2024 Scholarship Recipients

Graham Noblett Fairport, NY. Auto Restoration Major, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.
Awarded Jay Derbidge Scholarship (Generously funded by Dale and Linda Derbidge)
Dylan Kelly, Woodbine, GA Technical/Science Major, Charleston Southern University, Charleston, SC
Peri West Phoenix, Arizona Automotive Technology Certification Program, Universal Technical Institute, Phoenix, Arizona Awarded Kent Vandenberg Scholarship (Generously funded by The Antique Studebaker Club)
2023 Scholarship Recipients

Get To Know Graham ->
Graham Noblett Fairport, NY. Auto Restoration Major, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.
Awarded Jay Derbidge Scholarship (Generously funded by Dale and Linda Derbidge)
Riley Fetterhoff Lombard, IL Auto Restoration Major, WyoTech, Laramie, Wyo.
Awarded Bob Palma Scholarship (Generously funded by SDC Members)
Dylan Kelly, Woodbine, GA Technical/Science Major, Charleston Southern University, Charleston, SC
2022 Scholarship Recipients
Matt Chernisky, Baltimore, OH, Engineering Technology Major, Central Ohio Technical College. Awarded Bob Shaw Scholarship. Scholarship was established to honor Bob Shaw, long time SNF friend who was SNF’s first web site creator and administrator.
Michael Figueroa, Carson, CA, Mechanical Engineering Major, University of California San Diego, CA. Scholarship generously funded by SDC Beach Cities Orange Inland Empire Chapter Website: https://www.studebakersocal.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BCOIESOCA
Jacob Gutierrez, Carson, CA, Mechanical Engineering Major, California State University Long Beach, CA.

Get To Know Michael ->

Get To Know Matt ->
2021 Scholarship Recipients
Graham Noblett Fairport, NY. Auto Restoration Major, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Jason Wollermann, Egg Harbor Township, NJ Auto Restoration Major, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Williamsport, PA
Kaitlyn Chernisky, Baltimore, OH Pre-Veterinary Animal Sciences and Biology Major, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH
Kaitlyn is the granddaughter of long-time Studebaker parts and service vendors Jon and Betty Myer from Duncan Falls, Ohio
2020 Scholarship Recipients
Jay Derbidge Scholarship (Generously funded by Dale and Linda Derbidge)
Graham Noblett Fairport, NY. Auto Restoration Major, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
2019 Scholarship Recipients
Scholarship (Generously funded by the Beach Cities Orange Inland Empire Chapter, SDC)
David Thompson Engineering major at Youngstown State University awarded a $1,500.00 scholarship
Scholarship (Generously funded by the Los Angeles Chapter, SDC)
Kaleb Kight Engineering major at Virginia Tech awarded a $1,500.00 scholarship
2018 Scholarship Recipients
Lauryn Halver Cave Creek, AZ Attending Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Scholarship (Generously funded by the Ozark Trails Chapter SDC)
George Reid from Broadway, Virginia • McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Michael Krukowski, Fairfax Station, Virginia • Pennsylvania College of Technology
2017 Scholarship Recipients
Jason Peters McPherson, Kansas Attending McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Spencer Rubin Carmel, NY Attending the University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Lauryn Halver Cave Creek, AZ Attending Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Scholarship (Recipient of the Keystone Region Chapter Scholarship)
George Reid from Broadway, Virginia • McPherson College, McPherson, Kansa
2016 Scholarship Recipients
David Adams Avondale, Arizona Attending Universal Technical Institute, Avondale, Arizona
Jason Peters McPherson, Kansas Attending McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Aaron Hammer from Mishawaka, IN • Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
Kyle Reimer Lafayette, New Jersey Attending The College of Creative Studies, Detroit, Michigan
Nathan Donkle Maestas from Las Animas • Colorado Otero Junior College, La Junta, Colorado
Scholarship (Funded by donation from Ozark Trails Chapter, Studebaker Drivers Club):
George Reid from Broadway, Virginia • McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Samuel Studebaker from Fredricksburg, Texas • Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
2015 Scholarship Recipients
Aaron Hammer from Mishawaka, IN • Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
Educational Assistance Grant:
Kolton Kroulik from Glendale, Arizona and will be attending Glendale Community College
Kyle Reimer from Lafayette, NJ • College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
2014 Scholarship Recipients
Jan Lockmon Memorial Scholarship:
Aaron Hammer from Mishawaka, IN • Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
Nancy Pfahler Scholarship:
Kyle Reimer from Lafayette, NJ • College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
Robert Foust Memorial Scholarship:
Seth Studebaker from Fredericksburg, TX • MIT, Cambridge, MA
Ed Reynolds Scholarship:
Skyler Osborn from Rocklin, CA • California State University Chico, Chico, CA
Educational Grant:
Michael Dobiecki from Tucson, AZ • Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
2013 Scholarship Recipients
Seth Studebaker
(Jan Lockmon Scholarship)
Seth is from Fredericksburg, Texas and will be going into engineering at MIT.
Aaron Hammer
(Foust Scholarship)
Aaron hails from Mishawaka, Indiana and is attending Valparaiso University. He was also a 2012 SNF Scholarship recipient. Aaron wrote:
"The financial aid that this scholarship provides allows me to continue my growth as a young individual in this modern society as well as admiring the work of the old and being able to learn from a much simpler time and see how things were once made. Again thank you for choosing me as the recipient for this scholarship."
2012 Scholarship Recipients

Get To Know Graham ->

Get To Know Jason ->

Get To Know Kaitlyn ->

Read Nathan's letter ->

Read George's letter ->

Read Aron's letter ->

Scholarship recipient, DONALD ERICKSON, hard at work on his school's 1953 Studebaker coupe
His business built the wire harness.

SNF Scholarships include:
Chester Bradfield Scholarship
Robert Foust Memorial Scholarship
Hezzy Kappus Scholarship
Jan Lockmon Memorial Scholarship
Ed Reynolds Scholarship
Attention Donors:
If you wish to make a tax deductible cash contribution to a specific scholarship you may do so.
CLICK HERE to Contribute & Donate
CLICK HERE for Student Application Form
Student Scholarship Criteria:
The Studebaker National Foundation will award educational assistance of up to $2,000.00.
1. The applicant should be pursuing automotive fields of study, including but not limited to preservation, restoration, auto body, maintenance/repair, design, automotive history, etc. or pursuing higher education and preserving the Studebaker legacy by being actively involved in Studebakers as a hobbyist.
2. It is preferable the applicant be a member of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. (SDC), Antique Studebaker Club (ASC), Avanti Owners Association International (AOAI) or Studebaker Family National Association (SFNA) or a member’s son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter or other close relative or friend.
3. The deadlines for submitting applications are May 1st for the fall term and November 1st for the spring term.
4. Applicants from previous years may reapply.
5. Scholarship applicants must have obtained at least an equivalent of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale or equivalent for the year preceding the request for scholarship assistance.
6. Recipients must use the scholarship for the present or following school year. The award cannot be deferred.
7. Applicants must submit copies of all their academic transcripts and a teacher letter of recommendation with their application.
8. The following criteria will be used to select the scholarship recipient: grade point average (GPA), teacher letter of recommendation and an evaluation of your explanation of how you will use the scholarship.
9. Proof of enrollment in an accredited college or school may be required after the scholarship has been awarded.
10. All decisions made by the Scholarship Committee regarding scholarship awards are final.
For complete requirements and details download the application: